
Showing posts from January, 2019

DO You Know Hindi Meaning of : Ambulance, Police, Inspector, Train, Bank, Website

Hello Guys Welcome to our Blog Do You Know?   Here is some English words. Can you let me know What is Meaning of these words In Hindi. See.....if you don't know?  Do You Know?  What is Ambulance called in Hindi? Ans: Nishchayyaan  Do You Know? What is petrol caled in Hindi? Ans: Shilatel  Do You Know?  What is Train Called in Hindi? Ans: Lauhpathgaamini  Do You Know?  What is cigrete called in Hindi? Ans: Dhumrapaan Dandika  Do You Know?  What is Feedback called in Hindi? Ans: Waapsi Talluk  Do You Know?  What is Bank Called in Hindi? Ans: Adhikosh  Do You Know?  What is Internet called in Hindi? Ans: Sanjaal  Do You Know?  What is website called in Hindi? Ans: Jaal-paatr  Do You Know?  What is social Media called in Hindi? Ans: Samajik Madhyam  Do You Know? What is Selfie called in Hindi? Ans: Nijasvi  Do You Know? What is Inspector called in Hindi? Ans: Nirikshak It Was some English words.  It's Your